AUTHORS file for PHP Shell Copyright (C) 2000-2012 the Phpshell-team Licensed under the GNU GPL. See the file COPYING for details. Current maintainer: Wolfgang Dautermann Original author: Martin Geisler Thanks goes to all these persons who have helped: Fixed a problem the list of directories, if one accessed the root-directory. Robert Niess Made me aware of a security hole in the handling of stderr-trapping. Gerry Calderhead Patch for PHP 4.2.0 where register_globals are turned off. Jeremy Miller Suggested that one could use Sudo from to let PHP Shell execute code with different privileges than the webserver. Michael Zech Patch to make the stderr-checkbox remember it's state. Wolfgang Dautermann Multiple patches, including the sorting of directory entries in the drop down box. Natan Bueno Ungethuem Patch for PHP 5.X because the function ereg was deprecated Tobias Unger AddOn including an Editor ("vim") for PHP-Shell 2.1.